June 28, 2024

The Democrat Insiders plan

I think a faltering Let's Go Brandon is exactly what insider Democrats wanted all along, and they wanted it this early. Barring a remarkable performance, they wanted him to fail. Voters on the right expected this. We knew he was an often incoherent, often rambling mess.  We knew he was a train wreck. We expected a weak or else coked-out Let's Go Brandon. As far as I can tell, he did better than I expected. He didn't win, he was awful, but he did better than I thought he would.

Make no mistake, Let's Go Brandon was weak. But normally in that situation, Democrats rally around their candidate.  In this case though, they immediately dumped him like they were sneaking out of a bad date during dinner.

It's like this was pre-planned to have this notion be the message: "[Let's Go Brandon] needs to step aside." They want another candidate. And they don't want it to be Kamala Harris.  They are going to pressure him to leave.

Let's Go Brandon wasn't that bad last night

 Look, here's the deal....

This morning after the debate that president Trump clearly won, Democrats are all freaking out about what a terrible debate performance Let's Go Brandon and saying he should step aside. As a conservative I am sure you are not surprised. We all knew he was like this.

In fact, as far as a Let's Go Brandon performance goes, this wasn't bad at all.  I think the people who found it bad are the people who were either trying to keep Let's Go Brandon in hiding or covering it up, and those who, due to their news sources had not been exposed to what he's really like.

This was par for the course for Let's Go Brandon. The real story is what happens next on the Democrat side:   

June 27, 2024


Okay I admit I'm being a bit of a shill here but I'm sharing this anyway:

Julian Assange freed

There are no winners in this saga.

June 26, 2024

Brandon on goofballs and a new nominee?

Tim Pool discusses a proposed Let's Go Brandon's pre-debate drug test, and the possibility that he gets replaced before the November presidential election.

It's only a bombshell to insular lefties

The CIA colluded with Democrats during the 2020 presidential election campaign.

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