July 2, 2024

The SCOTUS ruling for Trump goes further than you think

I was quite pleased to watch this video by Viva Frei, breaking down the opinions of the majority on the dissent by the minority, exposing that the minority's opinion is not based on Constitutional merit but rather fear-mongering. Wow! And there's even more via Clarence Thomas.

The state of the race today.

A good summary from Ben Shapiro on the presidency, the senate, the Democrat reaction, and more.

July 1, 2024

The Democrat hits just keep on coming

Or rather the hits to the Democrats' chances of winning the election in the voting booths across America or via lawfare against Donald Trump. Another SCOTUS ruling in Trump's favor because... it's correct.

Let's Go Brandon is going to be the nominee

You know how I know?  This CNBC article indicating that the Democratic establishment has not convinced him to leave; now they're backing the man.  Despite all the craziness that ensued in the media from the debate about wanting Let's Go Brandon to step aside, as Bill Burr once ranted "It ain't happening!"

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton on Friday tried to do some damage control following President Joe Biden’s debate fumble against his November election opponent, former President Donald Trump.

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” Obama said in a post on X, linking to Biden’s campaign website. “Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Several hours later, Clinton mimicked the defensive play.

Sounds like they're now in a prevent defense.  Damage control for Democrats is defense against their own media and base, not against Republicans.

By the way, a great takeaway here is that it's easy to tell we're winning because our focus (at least in my case), is on what the Democrats are doing, not what the GOP is doing.  The lesson there for the GOP, as aptly demonstrated by Donald Trump during the debate, stay out of the way when your opponent is shooting themselves in the foot.  Let's hope the GOP do that this election cycle.

Media tries to save itself

This is a great clip throughout, but I bring it up specifically to discuss the media's guilty complicity to serve their leftist agenda. But in particular, shortly after 3:40 in the clip below, check out the CNN fact check on Let's Go Brandon. CNN as well as much of the mainstream media are not scrambling to dump Biden, they are scrambling to save their reputations. Granted some like the New York Times are still focused on leftist partisan hackery. But the point remains, they are bleeding consumers, they need to fix it and they are doing what they have done with Let's Go Brandon, Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton; burying their heads in the sand until it's too late and then a mad panic ensues. Deservedly so.

Adding to the debate fallout

 Let's Go Brandon shot himself in the foot Achilles heel in the June presidential debate. The Democrats are desperate. I think they may sentence Trump in NY to prison time. They're truly desperate.  They need to shake things up.  They cannot do it successfully any other way so far. They don't have much ammo to use. They're bereft of ideas. Lawfare is one of the few things they have left. I think it's probably going to happen.

If it does it will be the biggest backfire in political history.

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