July 3, 2024

Called out on the cheap fakes

You can't spin this the way KJP is trying to do:

July 2, 2024

Either stupid or a complete liar.

Rachel Maddow is beyond wrong (you can find a much more sanity-base take, here). She is either insane, stupid or an inveterate, fear-mongering liar. You decide:

French elections explained

This is a great explainer of how French elections work and how difficult it might be for the French, female Trump, Marine Le Pen, to win the second round of French elections coming up outright. These weird tactical set-up elections favor the centrists or the left. Stay tuned.

The SCOTUS ruling for Trump goes further than you think

I was quite pleased to watch this video by Viva Frei, breaking down the opinions of the majority on the dissent by the minority, exposing that the minority's opinion is not based on Constitutional merit but rather fear-mongering. Wow! And there's even more via Clarence Thomas.

The state of the race today.

A good summary from Ben Shapiro on the presidency, the senate, the Democrat reaction, and more.

July 1, 2024

The Democrat hits just keep on coming

Or rather the hits to the Democrats' chances of winning the election in the voting booths across America or via lawfare against Donald Trump. Another SCOTUS ruling in Trump's favor because... it's correct.

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