October 9, 2024

October 8, 2024

FEMA troubles keep growing

KJP = blame-thrower. This is not a money problem, this is an operational (i.e. administration) problem.  How do we know that? Mayorkas = liar. Watch:

(1) FEMA sent money to Lebanon. 
(2) They claim they don't have enough deal with upcoming disasters
(3) The administration throws scraps to Americans hurt by the hurricane
(4) The scraps turn out to be even less than what the administration is claiming they are giving
(5) Turns out FEMA does have more money, they just cannot be bothered to allocate it, they'd rather hoard it.

Washington D.C. insiders, and elite circles? You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

A question for Democrats

Do you really want a self-professed knucklehead a heartbeat away from the presidency?

Now I realize the knee-jerk, TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) response will be, better that than a knucklehead as president. But think about what Trump did while in office; record low unemployment, a vast reduction in illegal immigration, Middle East peace accords, and far better trade deals just to name a few. Regardless of what you might think of Trump as a person, his policies were good for the country. The policies were sound.  The results were telling.  The polices made sense and were clearly not knucklehead policies.

Second point. Saying he's a knucklehead is just a way of covering up for what he actually is - a liar. It's the lesser of two evils.  

Third point.  Kamala Harris, though not self-professed, is also a knucklehead, and a liar.  She flip flops, she does not understand basic policy; this morning I heard a clip of her saying she wanted to boost small business tax credits from $5,000 to $50,000 because "you can't start a business on $5,000". She doesn't understand that a tax credit is not handing money to a small business but rather a deduction in the amount of tax a business has to pay.  That's BASIC, and she doesn't get it. Her policies are either previously tried failures or stolen from Trump. She IS a knucklehead.  She chose a knucklehead as her running mate.  That alone speaks volumes; neither one of them is equipped to run the country.

October 7, 2024

They just don't care

I'm sure most people outside the leftist bubble already know about this, but it bears frequent repetition:

The left just doesn't care about Americans in need of aid. Why? Because they are in a red state and not a pet cause of the left. But North Carolina is a state supposedly in play, so why not help out and get yourself some votes?  Does Kamala Harris already realizer she has lost the election and they don't even care about votes? Or is it even more sinister than that?
Former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod argued that Vice President Kamala Harris voters will be clever enough to navigate voting in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Helene, while saying that rural Trump voters will have a harder time getting to the polls.

Axelrod made the claim during an episode of his podcast "Hacks on Tap" that aired Wednesday, predicting that liberal voters in Asheville, North Carolina – a predominantly blue area in the state – will "figure out a way to vote" more so than conservatives in the storm’s aftermath. 

Describing Asheville as a "blue dot" in the state, he continued, "Those voters in Asheville are – they’re, you know, the kind of voters that will figure out a way to vote. You know, they’re upscale, kind of liberal voters, and they’re probably going to figure out a way to vote," Axelrod said.

He continued, stating that rural conservatives may not be as resourceful in finding ways to vote following the destruction of their homes and communities.

"I’m not sure a bunch of these folks who’ve had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina – in the mountains there – are going to be as easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign," the political commentator hypothesized.

That's not just political opportunism, it's vile, sick and evil. 

October 5, 2024

Conservative vs. Liberal priorities on display

Canada is an advanced microcosm of what would happen in America under Kamala Harris.  Canadian voters have come back to their senses, nary a moment too soon.  I hope American voters do so before it's too late:

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