October 14, 2024

State of the race: October 14th


Click to enlarge.

Taken from the RCP polls, and including only polls that are likely voters, with a sample size greater than 500 or more, and a margin of error less than or equal to 3.5% and polls taken on September 30th or later.

This map would lead to a Trump win with 306 electoral college votes, the same as in 2016.  I think this time around he may do better than this shows at the moment.

NOTE:  Applying the same logic to national polls, Kamala Harris appears to still be leading in the popular vote, but not by a great margin.

Stone Cold Steve Austin discusses Donald Trump

This explains Donald Trump pretty well. 

Democrats' hyperbole leads to yet another crazy targeting Trump

Coachella planned assassination on Trump. This is the third individual. Ridiculous.

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