January 14, 2025

Democrats laundering wildfire donations through ActBlue

I'm sharing this from Tim Pool because it's really important that you know the truth about how Democrats skim donations to fight the California wildfires.  Guaranteed it is not an isolated case.

And it's criminal. The Democrat party acts like the mafia; they look at every single transaction and think to themselves "how can we get a piece of that?" That's criminal thinking.

CNN is still Climate-Change-Crazy

Extreme weather has been around for millennia, but  CNN is still pushing climate change hysteria. What's interesting is the analyst sharing the details is clearly just coping with the American people finally getting wise to their hype.  He isn't saying people are no longer believing the climate change hype, he's positing that they have given up in the belief that they can no longer do anything to help fight climate change. They are resigned to it being beyond their control, is what he's saying.  

This level of copium is what shows me, CNN at least has not learned their lessons from the Trump win; they are not self-reflecting. They are instead attributing the change to something other than themselves. It can't be them, it's the stupid people. 

It's going to be a long slog to an on-going conservative dominance in politics, but this sort of blinkered view by the likes of CNN can only help their own demise, and the rise of conservative dominance.

January 13, 2025

L.A.: Battling through it's worst mayor in history

Yeah, the fires are horrific, but here's the real problem; the mayor.

January 12, 2025

California's dreaming

Well at least the leaders are.  Instead of dealing with the L.A. fires, they're worried about what they perceive as the real threat to citizens of the state: Donald Trump.  I kid you not:

Sunday verse


January 11, 2025

Trudeau does not speak for Canada

Americans, please remember this - Trudeau only speaks for himself.

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