October 11, 2024

60 Minutes: Part of the Coverup

Trying to make Kamala Harris look good when she can't do it on her own, will eventually have fallout for those who try to participate in the cover-up (just like it made the media look incredibly foolish for lying about Let's Go Brandon).

60 Minutes could implode for trying to cover up for Harris.  This isn't going to just go away I think:

Of course the cover-up scandals are not new to 60 Minutes.  They've been doing it since they lied about George Bush and would not own up to their lies. They were clearly biased in dealing with president Trump years ago too. 

The truth is that the truth does not matter to CBS. Never has, never will. It's still happening today. It's all about their absurd liberal bias agenda. Always has been, always will be. So when things don't go their way, they cover up and wait for the uproar to pass. This is why they cannot be trusted, and in large part, aren't.

Pre-Trudeau vs. Post Trudeau, as predicted

Former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper told Canadians this would happen under Trudeau.  Unfortunately not enough Canadians listened.  Thankfully in another year or less, Justin Trudeau will be in our rearview mirror.

THIS IS Trudeau's fault

I'm not going to sugarcoat this, Trudeau has not only allowed this to happen in Canada, he has not only enabled it to happen in Canada, he has passively (perhaps even actively) encouraged this to happen in Canada.  What I'm talking about is support for terrorism.

Passive encouragement?  Nothing will happen to these people.  Active encouragement? Unfettered immigration without proper standards.

Trump's plan for the auto industry

The mainstream media is blasting Trump as insulting Detroit while in Detroit. That's not what happened.  He talked about the unfortunate deterioration of Detroit while in Detroit.  He was speaking facts.  In addition he laid out a plan to bring Detroit and the United States back into being a manufacturing powerhouse.  He talked about the auto industry specifically.

When you contrast that with the absolute decimation the half-baked plan Kamala Harris is spewing, there really is only one choice for president; Donald Trump.


Democrats trying to buy votes is a real thing.  In this case, buying influence (influence peddling):

This is crazy

CBS to it's reporters: Don't ask questions. But I guess that's par for the course, leftists don't want leaders to run the country properly. They also apparently don't want journalists/reporters to do their job properly either.

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