July 8, 2024

Demo-coup incoming?

Democrats are going to try to get their nominee off the ticket for the nomination for the presidential election in 2024. The party of "But Democracy!", is about anything but democracy:

For the record, I don't think he'll leave willingly.

"Extremely rare" (for now)

As I mentioned regarding France, the center and the left will stop at nothing to hold or seize power. They are sometimes overt and sometime insidious about it but the leftward drift or occasional lurch is unabating. This is what we are up against as believers in common sense, and as in the case of the conservative party in the U.K., complacency or a leftward drift within, are no longer acceptable ways of dealing with it:

France will implode with this as the guaranteed outcome

The center and the left colluded against the right to ensure Le Pen did not become the leader of France. Macron is so hostile to the right he'd rather be a minority partner in the far left's coalition. 

Two things; (1) the center really isn't a center, and that goes beyond just France and (2) France is doomed to destroy itself unless this can be fixed, and the only way that happens is for more French to wake up to reality. I'm not optimistic about a great French awakening so France will implode.  Good move France.

As they might say in French, "Félicitations France!"

July 7, 2024

French leftist parties collude with French centrists

In France, the leftist and "centrist" parties are having candidates drop out for the second round of voting to stop the conservative parties from winning an outright majority. Why would the centrist parties do this with the left?  Either they are leftists themselves, or they are being spiteful about their loss, or they realize that they will disappear if there are only left and right candidates holding the vast majority of seats. They don't want to be irrelevant. France may yet succumb to the self inflicted status quo they don't want because of this, joining the U.K. in the sadly, seemingly unstoppable drift leftward that has plagued most of western society, despite the growing desire to stop it.

Sunday verse


July 6, 2024

U.K.'s leftward drift, and maybe a silver lining?

As I said, in the U.K. the Labour Party is bound to drag the country leftward, well out of step with the U.S., most of Europe and eventually, Canada as well when they have their next election.  Paul Joseph Watson, breaks it down.  While I disagree with his take on the problems with "first past the post" elections, he does find some good news in the U.K.'s rejection of faux conservatism:

I get his frustration, but the first past the post tends to work better in the long run for conservatives, than it does for the left.  In Canada, the Reform Party from 1987 grew to the point where it replaced the conservative party as the conservative viewpoint by the time the party merged with the conservative party.

In five years, in the U.K., the Reform U.K. party will be much stronger much faster than it's Canadian counterpart took to get there.
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