September 22, 2024

September 20, 2024

Friday Musical Interlude - two for One

A double dose of faith today. Amazing Grace on bagpipes, and How Great Thou Art, the Elvis version.

September 19, 2024

Sky News Australia, based

Sky News Australia is based; they'll run stories like this.  Great work.

September 18, 2024

Is Chris Cuomo waking up?

I'm sure this is not an end to Chris Cuomo's opposition to Trump, but it is an end to his TDS and it might be a come to Jesus moment of self reflection for him.

Democrats blame the victim

According to Democrats, it's Trump's fault people are shooting at him. They are blaming the victim because they cannot face the fact that they themselves have a long history of inciting or enacting violence, going all the way back to the time of president Lincoln.

September 17, 2024

Just spit-balling here...

Just a quick thought; if jobs are being replaced by automation and AI, and if the left is pushing for Universal Basic Income, and also pushing for the draft, then...

Is it crazy to think that all jobs are going to disappear and be replaced with some form of compulsory government service (including a draft) in exchange for the Universal Basic Income? Does all of civilization end up being in one army/navy/air force or another?  And does the military-industrial complex seek out wars for both profit and the leftist ideal of population control?

I'm just spit-balling.  It's a bit of conspiracy theory but as a puzzle, the pieces do kind of fit together.

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