October 1, 2024

I'm running out of entertainment options here!

I stopped watching the mainstream media, for the most part. It's a rare occasion I watch network or cable television. Why did I stop? Left leaning agendas that I could not stomach were making their way into most every broadcast show. But there was Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube and several other options. 

Amazon Prime is grotesquely woke, I never watch it, even though there were shows on there I wouldn't mind seeing, I can't support it. Jeff Bezos is a leftist and it has infected the entire Amazon Prime platform. It's exactly what happened to CNN; Ted Turner's leftward bias could not be held out of it's newscasts, and now like a plague, it's infected every corner of the company. Bezos has stepped away from the day to day of Amazon but Amazon is already what it is, a progressive platform. So it's out.

YouTube is a Google platform that's even further left than Amazon.  It's become my number one source of entertainment but the content creators I watch have been squeezed out slowly and systematically by YouTube. That's not to mention that despite the heavy leftward bias of Google and YouTube, YouTube has fallen heavily in love with a ridiculous volume of commercials. It's unwatchable from that perspective. I find myself on YouTube less and less and have become much more selective. From 6 to 12 seconds of ads to 60 seconds of unskippable ads every few minutes is not sustainable. It isn't for me at least. And I'm certainly not going to subscribe to a platform where all my favorite content providers are treated like dirt through shadow-banning, shadow-unsubscribing, ad revenue racketeering or through some other means.

Disney+ was a non-starter for me. ABC is ultra-woke, Disney itself has gone ultra-woke, so why would I buy into that to begin with?  The platform as it turns out, unsurprisingly, is also ultra-woke.

The last refuge? Netflix. Netflix has not been any sort of paragon of neutrality they have worked with the Obama's, trashed history, presented ultra-woke content, etc. But they did have some decent content as well.

 That unfortunately has fallen to the wayside for me in light of this:

I can't support Netflix any more.

So now where do I go? Gaming?  Too late, already woke. Rumble? Good platform, not enough critical mass. Fox? Not terrible but it has been slipping since 2020 and Rupert Murdoch's handoff to his kids. X? It's been great since Elon Musk took over, retreating from the uber-woke status, but it isn't a big content provider. It should be, it should become one, Tucker Carlson's show has been great, but the platform needs more; it has the potential to become more.  Facebook? Despite Mark Zuckerberg's recent 'miraculous' (suspicious) turn towards libertarianism, the platform is not really a content platform.  It's more just a big pile of mess. And the platform is not libertarian by any stretch.

I'm running out of entertainment options here! Seems to me a wise person who is either conservative or at least unconcerned about politics, and who had enough capital to do something about my current conundrum, would recognize that it is likely a massively common problem. There is a huge opportunity to create an entertainment platform that is not woke, and is simply concerned about quality content for it's audience. It would thrive. Advertisers may be woke but eyeballs mean money. YouTube knows this as I mentioned above.  That's why despite being woke, they pepper us with ads. The new entertainment platform would not go broke. It would thrive. 

Just saying.

Based on believable polls

As of yesterday, this is what I was seeing:

September 30, 2024

Some people are simply vapid

Some people, as you can see in the video below, are simply vapid.  And so too is Kamala Harris.  And apparently, vapid attracts vapid. Maybe that's why they want to vote for her.

People realizing Trump racism is media manufactured fake news

Trump is not racist and people are awakening to that fact.

This needed to be done

Robert Reich is no economic guru, despite the clout he has in that field. He doesn't require a debunking per se, but Thomas Sowell does the right thing by not allowing Reich's half-baked ideas to go unchallenged:

September 29, 2024

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